Bluffing & Plays

3 years ago 0 2242
Most of us know that while playing poker, you have to be sharp and attentive. Grasping the concepts ...
3 years ago 0 2008
In the game of poker, you won’t be able to predict whether your opponent has a good hand ...
3 years ago 0 2048
Ever imagined deceiving your opponents by slow playing? Being a quiet and slow player can be to your ...
3 years ago 0 2061
The continuation bet concept is when you raised the pot as a pre-flop raiser because you missed the ...
3 years ago 0 2186
When you choose not to bluff during poker, it can be similar to being a lifetime loser. A ...
3 years ago 0 2322
Do you enjoy playing Poker? Not only is it a game of luck and skill, but involves bluffing. ...