What Is An Open Limp?


The interesting game of poker has its own rules and algorithms to follow. Although the game relies on betting and a play of odds and evens, its terminologies can be complicated and confusing. 

To understand the world of poker, first, we need to master the terminologies well. You’ll need to at least know when you are getting called out for being an amateur. Confused about what open limping is? Don’t know what it means? Don’t worry; this article throws insight on open limp.

What Does Open Limping Mean?

When you are a beginner in poker, you might enter the pot by limping in. To limp means you are providing only the minimum amount of money to bet . in other words, it means you are making the minimum bet possible. Additionally, it is called Big blind in Texas Hold ’em or small bet in some other games.

Limping is a cheap flop when you have a lot of potentials to proceed and play. This term comes from an injured person limping while walking. Moreover, it throws light on the person’s weakness. Similarly, in poker, pre-flopping is considered flawed.

Open limp is a term used when the person is the first to enter, but the player merely limps. This type of play is conserved weak and usually done by novice players. 

Open limp unravels that the player doesn’t contain strong hands. However, this can make that player an easy target and set him up for failure. Moreover, when someone with a firm hand open limps, the player won’t anticipate the opponent’s cards. However, this can prove advantageous when the next person raises the pot.

Open limping can also prove to be beneficial under some conditions. When done in the right way, it can help you gain the whole pot. This limp, though, should be executed at the perfect time for it to work.  The calling off the big blind is like having a weak hand, though.

Wrapping Up

Avoiding limping altogether would be a safer option. If you own an ace or king and see the other person is raising, then the only chance of winning might be present. 

In simple terms, if you have better cards like aces or kings, it is one of the strongest cards. Protect these at all costs and not limp to give up on the game. If the hand is not strong, you can limp it and tow it away. So we would suggest you don’t limp.

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