What Is A Wet Board?


The wet board texture connects the many potential hands or has multiple draws. For instance, http://www.pokertrikz.com/wp-content/plugins/poker-cards/cards/6d_e.gif http://www.pokertrikz.com/wp-content/plugins/poker-cards/cards/7d_e.gif http://www.pokertrikz.com/wp-content/plugins/poker-cards/cards/8d_e.gif, or http://www.pokertrikz.com/wp-content/plugins/poker-cards/cards/7h.gif http://www.pokertrikz.com/wp-content/plugins/poker-cards/cards/Ts.gif http://www.pokertrikz.com/wp-content/plugins/poker-cards/cards/Js.gif, would make some of the flops that include wet. These flops seem to have many potential draws, which make them complicated for made hands too.

In the pursuit of defeating your opponent in pot odds, aim for higher bets than usual to hold a firmer game. There are only a few instances where you would want to go slow playing on a wet board texture.

The Wet Board Explained

In the wet board texture, the term “wet” stands to signify the relations among the community cards. The wet board is translatable to almost all poker games relying on mechanical factors. 

Apparently, there are three key factors to consider to weigh the board’s wetness.

  • Highness of the cards: With Aces, Kings, and Queens, the higher the cards, the wetter would be the board.
  • Suitedness of the cards: It is a wet board when the suits of the cards are monotone or all identical, two-tone, or rainbow suits.
  • Connectedness: The connectedness of the cards defines their proximity in rank with relation to each other. While a board of Ace, King, and Queen is highly in coordination, a board of King, 7, and 2 is highly uncoordinated.

However, there are some differences in application concerning wetness. It complies with the opponent range. One board is not wet for all opponents. This is an important factor of consideration to proceed in negation to specific opponents.

For instance, a board that includes high, suited, and connected cards would showcase wetness. However, they won’t necessarily be wet for a loose opponent. This can be determined after taking into account the width of the possible range of the opponent.

Wet Board As Part Of Your Poker Strategy

It is crucial to understand that the board texture is incapable of always letting the players know about the best play. However, it is equally important to remember a few of the key elements of wet textures. Let’s go through a quick overview of the same.

Made hands are usually more prone to vulnerable situations and hence, should not be slow-playing.

Wet boards add to the positional advantages. It is a bonus to have secured a place on drawy textures.

There are several strong-made hand combinations on wet textures. Usually, you are introduced to the luxury of the opportunity to eliminate few weaker draws or backdoor draws. This is because of the existence of the many stronger ones.


Now that you’ve read the post, you know that wet boards define the connectedness of the cards. Going through the factors of consideration, you can now also determine the board wetness.

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