A flush is a sequence containing five same suited cards. Now, the odds of hitting your flush may depend on several reasons. Nevertheless, poker is full of surprises, and you can only go about it with your game strategies.
The odds to hit a flush depends mainly on the statistics and the strategies you apply in your game. Let’s get you better acquainted with the concept.
Odds Of Hitting A Flush Against A Flop
Usually, the odds of hitting a flush against the flop rely significantly on the initial hand you have been dealt. Accordingly, the probability of hitting a flush with a starting hand is 0.2%.
On the other hand, the odds of flopping a flush with a starting hand involving suits is 0.82%. While you calculate these probabilities, you should skip it for an unsuited starting hand. There are no odds of hitting that flush.
However, you must stay clear that the kind of suited hands makes no difference to the probabilities of hitting a flush. But, higher-ranked cards are better triggers for stronger flushes. However, the type of suited hands influences the nature of the odds of hitting the flush.
Furthermore, the odds of hitting a flush or better with a random starting hand would be 0.37%. That with a suited connector is 0.94%, while with a pocket pair is 1.22%. Lastly, the odds of flopping a flush with AKo is 0.1%.
Applied Analysis
While there is an extensive list of rules to figure out the odds of hitting your flush, strategizing your game would be a pro move. The odds of hitting flushes depends on the game to a great extent. Let’s understand the odds better with a numerical example.
For instance, let’s consider a scenario where there are 2 cards in the same hole and 2 board cards with suits on the flop.
In such a case, following the flop, you reveal 4 of your suited cards and 1 of a different suit. You are now left with 9 of your suited cards and 38 of other suits. Here, the chances of hitting a flush would be 9/47, or 19.14%.
Now consider an incomplete turn for the flush. You get to complete the flush on the river by the odds of 9/46, or 19.5%.
This all sums up the conclusion that the probable odds of completing a flush is 34.96%. This figure adds up the odds of turn completion, completions on the river times that of incomplete turn. Completing a flush is essential when you’ve gone all-in following a flop.
Two-card flushes have better probabilities of flushes than the one-card flushes. One-card flushes, on the contrary, are typically greater than just bluff callers in several situations. Moreover, flushes have better-implied odds on unpaired boards.
Overall, depending on the factors you studied now, the odds of hitting your flushes shall differ. Both strategy and statistics are the keys!