Are Online Poker rooms a SCAM?


There are innumerable poker rooms available online today. The key is researching licensed sites. Most of the sites are available for audits. These sites ask for reasonable shuffles, security holes, and winning or losing loopholes.
The deck stacks available won’t throw a random shuffle. An amateur player in online poker rooms may win every other day, while a winning player may not be the winner every day. Let’s look into it in detail.

Online Poker Rooms

Online poker rooms are not a scam. The finance incentivizing of the poker sites fulfill the sanctity of the games they offer and, therefore, are very important. However, it is pretty reasonable to have the concerns of the site being legit.
Some minor poker sites might need some specific verification, while some follow all the legalities and are hence, legitimate.

The Problem

Collusion might be an issue. There might be instances where the employees are the real cheaters here. However, you can’t determine if this is a strategy they apply to make the all-time-winner lose a few bets. Another loophole is that weak internal security reveals the moves or the opposing deck.

A dynamic shuffle is always better. Every consecutive card is an on-demand random card. A hacked server could not reveal the deck of the cards unless someone hacks even the shuffle.
The online poker sites do not offer the feature of IM, texting, or voice notes. No doubt, knowing the dealt cards gives you an upper hand. The player who knows the cards and realizes a defeat can fold at last. The structure of the software is built in a way to detect the smart move of planned folds and reveal a scam.

This is the reason why you must choose a site that enables you to select a table, for a stake, of your choice only.
Owing to the legal consequences and the financial legitimacies, they need to go through poker sites that do not own the power of cheating. If found, they tend to lose all their clients. Even a live poker room is subject to cheating and collusion. It is not easy dealing with the cards when they have their eyes glued on you.

As newbies, poker players in online poker rooms must focus on their losses if they lose games frequently. A loss of $7K within 2-3 weeks of playing is a big “no-no” in poker. Consider starting from micro stakes until you earn your initial profit. This is known as a “backdoor flush” or a “bot.”

In a nutshell, you must know that in online poker rooms, the customer holds power. You must refrain from a poker site you have a hunch might be rigged.

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